Saturday, September 13, 2008

I think I've got it!

I've never been good at tying bows. I've tried several times and they've never turned out well. But now that Ellery is getting more hair, I really really wanted to learn to make bows so she can have one for all of her outfits, especially with the holidays coming in the next few months.

So this weekend I used a lot of determination and finally I think I have it. I made this pink and white bow to go with the outfit she is wearing today. I think it turned out pretty good! Now I just want to make a million bows!

Ellery is getting more teeth. Two on the top are coming through and another on the bottom. In the picture above you can see the first one of the bottom.

And on another note, it seems as though Some Guy Named Kevin has found a new use for Ellery's boppy pillow. Good job, SGNK.


Kelly said...

What an AWESOME job on the bow!!! They will look so cute with all her outfits!!! ;)

Stela said...

hahahaha love the last picture!! hilarious